Copyr CIPERTRIN EC/WATER LT. 1 insecticide

Categoria: Insetticida

  • On Offer
  • €21,90
  • List price €30,20
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Prodotto a largo spettro per insetti striscianti e volanti (es. blatte, formiche, zanzare, mosche).

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Gli ordini ricevuti dal lunedì al venerdì entro le ore 12 vengono evasi e spediti in giornata, tutti gli altri vengono evasi il giorno lavorativo successivo (esclusi il sabato e la domenica)

CIPERTRIN EC is an odorless and non-flammable insecticide formulation with a flushing and residual action for the control of a wide range of flying and crawling insects (flies, mosquitoes, wasps, cockroaches, ants, spiders, silverfish, crickets, fleas, etc.). Due to its properties, CIPERTRIN EC is suitable for the disinfestation of communities, hotels, hospitals, warehouses, means of transport, public hygiene equipment (NU bins, waste transport), rural environments and equipment, industries in general. The solution for eliminating cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, flies.

100 grams of product contain:
Cypermethrin tech. 90%: 8.00g
Emulsifiers: 15g

The product must be used exclusively by specialized personnel.
Do not use in concentrated form: follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Do not contaminate food, drinks or containers intended to contain them during use.
Do not spray into ambient air. In the case of use in food industry plants, the product must not come into contact, even indirectly, with food products.
The room must be sufficiently ventilated before returning

CIPERTRIN EC, once diluted in water, should be sprayed on the walls, floors and other surfaces of the rooms to be disinfested, paying particular attention to the treatment of corners, cracks, crevices, interstices, pipes and all those points that may be sources of infestations or usual paths of insects. The insecticide remains active for several weeks and the duration of the action depends on the conditions of use: dosage, exposure to light, type of surface treated, etc.
CIPERTRIN EC is used at doses of 1 to 2% (1 to 2 litres per 100 litres of water):
for light infestations and as a maintenance treatment, dilute at a rate of 1 litre of CIPERTRIN EC for every 100 litres of water;
for medium infestations dilute at a rate of 2 litres of CIPERTRIN EC for every 100 litres of water; for heavy infestations dilute at a rate of 2 litres of CIPERTRIN EC for every 100 litres of water.
If necessary, always use the higher concentration for use against crawling insects.
The application can be carried out with any type of nebulizer, at a rate of 1 litre of solution for every 10 m2 of surface.