Copyr DECAPY FLOW LT.1 insecticide

Categoria: Insetticida

  • On Offer
  • €61,50
  • List price €138,76
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Prodotto a largo spettro per insetti striscianti e volanti (es. blatte, mosche, zanzare, mosche). Decapy Flow è una suspo-emulsione caratterizzata da rapido effetto abbattente, snidante e residuale nei confronti di insetti striscianti e volanti ed altre specie infestanti.

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Gli ordini ricevuti dal lunedì al venerdì entro le ore 12 vengono evasi e spediti in giornata, tutti gli altri vengono evasi il giorno lavorativo successivo (esclusi il sabato e la domenica)

Decapy Flow is used to fight: cockroaches, ants, fleas, ticks, bedbugs, flies, horseflies, mosquitoes, wasps, hornets, Lasioderma spp., moths, caltrops, weevils, dermestids, silverfish, spiders, etc., for the disinfestation of internal environments and external applications.

Treatments inside: Homes, communities, hospitals, barracks, bars, restaurants, hotels, cinemas, theatres, ships, airplanes, warehouses, industries in general, including food industries.

External treatments: Perimeter areas of homes and industrial settlements, avenues and city parks, dumpsters and landfills. The solution to eliminate cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, flies.

Landfills and waste depots, Horeca, Industry and logistics, Food sector, Public facilities and offices, Health facilities, Public and private green areas
100 grams of product contain: Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, extract: 1.25g (equivalent to 50% Pyrethrum Extract): 2.50g Deltamethrin: 1.33g
Piperonyl Butoxide: 5.00g

Do not contaminate food, beverages, or containers intended to contain them during use. Do not use in concentrated form: follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Do not use in agriculture or on plants intended for food. Do not spray into the ambient air. If the surfaces to be treated are delicate, test on a small portion before treatment. Ventilate the room sufficiently before returning. The product must be used exclusively by specialized personnel.
Treatments inside:
Decapy Flow should be applied at a concentration of 2% (equal to 200 ml of product in 10 litres of water) for crawling insects and 1% (equal to 100 ml of product in 10 litres of water) for flying insects.
Apply the solution obtained with a pressure pump, distributing 1 litre of solution every 10 m2 of surface in the
in the case of absorbent surfaces (such as rough walls), or by distributing 1 litre of solution every 25 m2 in the case of non-absorbent surfaces (such as tiles) or delicate surfaces (such as wallpaper).
External treatments:
Decapy Flow should be applied at a concentration of 1 litre of product in 200 litres of water (equal to 0.5%), sufficient to treat an area of ​​40,000 m2.
The resulting solution should be used in areas with vegetation where insects nest.