Aminorex disinfectant 25 L

Categoria: Disinfettante

  • On Offer
  • €285,00
  • List price €313,50
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AMMINOREX è un disinfettante battericida e levuricida privo di quaternari dell’ammonio con azione battericida spinta fino ai microbatteri tubercolari. Particolarmente indicato nelle industrie alimentari, possiede una buona azione detergente già a basse temperature.

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Gli ordini ricevuti dal lunedì al venerdì entro le ore 12 vengono evasi e spediti in giornata, tutti gli altri vengono evasi il giorno lavorativo successivo (esclusi il sabato e la domenica)

BACTERICIDE, LEVURICIDE AND VIRUCIDE (enveloped viruses) Healthcare (hospitals, nursing homes, doctors' offices, clinics), Public hygiene (sports facilities, wellness centers, schools), Food industry (production laboratories, butchers and delicatessens, confectionery industry, bakeries, meat, fish and vegetable processing industries) Small and large catering (restaurants, bars, hotels, delicatessens, ice cream parlors, sales counters).

N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine: 7 g
Co-formulants qb ag 100

Remove the most obvious dirt deposits from the surface to be treated; check compatibility with the surfaces by carrying out tests on the areas that are less evident.
Dilute 20 mL of concentrate per liter of water and allow to act for at least 15 minutes. Apply to surfaces with a brush or sprayer or by pouring and wiping the product. Use 30-50 mL/m2 of solution to moisten the surface which must remain wet for the entire contact period. Prepare a new solution just before use and replace when it becomes visibly soiled. Rinse or allow to air dry. Disinfected surfaces that may come into contact with food should be rinsed with potable water. Rinsing of floors is not necessary unless they are to be polished.