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Rodents are small mammals, they live all over the world, they are sociable animals and that is why they adapt easily to the human environment. They are usually animals that live in more or less populous colonies and are able to reproduce quickly. They walk, climb and can swim! They eat cereals, tubers, roots, leaves and fruit. Since they are a heterogeneous group it is important to be able to distinguish them in order to get rid of them! Even these little animals can infest your company and this could compromise your work and your name! Calling Pestalia means making...

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Spring is coming and with it, in addition to the beautiful days and the heat, also come the stinging insects. In this season bees, wasps and hornets they begin building their nests and then in the summer they reach a large colony. They can infest gardens as well as workplaces, Prevention is always the right choice! Calling Pestalia you have the opportunity to have experts at your disposal who will find the solution to the problem! Having these animals or their nests within the areas of our Company makes us appear in the eyes of our collaborators and our customers:...

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With the arrival of summer, hotels and resorts should check their spaces and rooms! In fact, one of the problems of seasonal closure is the possible infestations of unwanted animals! The most common among these in hotels are bed bugs. Many of us don't know them and they don't know what they look like, let's discover them together: - 5mm to 7mm long when they can feed on blood - they have an oval shape and have thick legs - the mouth is elongated to facilitate the sting - they have a brown/red color - They lay 200 to 500...

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Summer is approaching and with it the proliferation of various parasites, benefiting from the decidedly more comfortable temperature for their ecosystem. Parasites are sneaky since their presence is not noticed until it is already too late. Unfortunately, it often happens that in companies the presence of these "uncomfortable visitors" is noticed when they have already occupied an entire warehouse, or almost; then How can this problem be prevented? Well, to prevent the problem you need to follow 2 key actions: - Keeping track of food supplies such as packages of flour, rice, bread, pasta, biscuits and dried fruit on a...

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How many times have you found unpleasant surprises from your volatile “neighbors” when entering a company and how many times have you thought: “Enough, we need a solution!” But the Bird Removal process cannot follow too many DIY solutions as it involves applying protocols that must take into account wildlife laws that must always be taken into serious consideration. Let’s put it this way, most bird species are welcome in an urban environment and do not cause problems. Some species, however, can thrive on the food supplies provided by human activities and become a pest when their numbers increase. Attracted...

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