With the arrival of summer, hotels and resorts should check their spaces and rooms! In fact, one of the problems of seasonal closure is the possible infestations of unwanted animals! The most common among these in hotels are bed bugs.

Many of us don't know them and they don't know what they look like, let's discover them together:

- 5mm to 7mm long when they can feed on blood

- they have an oval shape and have thick legs

- the mouth is elongated to facilitate the sting

- they have a brown/red color

- They lay 200 to 500 eggs in two months and the female must feed before laying the eggs

- eggs can be found in cracks or attached to furniture items

- they can survive without food for a long time.

Once we understand what type of insect we are talking about, and we have learned to recognize it, let's see where should we look for them! In fact, these parasites hide not only in mattresses but also in:

  • - bed heads
  • - behind the ruined wallpaper
  • - in cracks and crevices
  • - in the gaps between light switches
  • - under the carpet
  • Periodic checks should be made to ensure that our facilities are always free from these annoying insects. Furthermore, very importantly, statistics say that tourists do not choose a hotel if these types of animals are mentioned in its reviews.

    Choose Pestalia for an inspection and subsequently for a disinfestation means ensuring the success of your company and the happiness of the customers who will stay there! Usually in fact when the room is infested by bed bugs the customers complain about:

  • - dark stains on mattress and sheets
  • - sweet and cloying smell
  • - live insects that can be easily recognized by the naked eye
  • - black balls on the linen, "fecal balls"
  • - blood stains
  • - stings along the body, especially near blood vessels (neck, hands, arms, legs)
  • These are the most obvious signs of the presence of these animals, which, attracted by body heat and CO2 produced by normal breathing, sneak into beds and sting your guests. The best choice is to call us for a consultation and an inspection to identify these insects and study together the best method to get rid of them!

    To do have a good summer stay to your guests depends on this too! Nobody likes to wake up with red and itchy bumps and preventing these occurrences will make your facility better and consequently also improve your results on the market!

    Choosing Pestalia means choosing to work safely and therefore to guarantee cleanliness and professionalism also to your collaborators and customers! Contact us for an inspection and we will send you our experts to receive advice and help in case of stinging insect nests!

    THE PESTALIA METHOD: Prevention, Organization, Action, Control and Web Report
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