Copyr Flyspray One Shot insecticide ml 150

Categoria: Insetticida-acaricida

  • On Offer
  • €6,90
  • List price €11,67
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Prodotto per acari e insetti. Prodotto a largo spettro per insetti volanti (es. zanzare, mosche).

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Gli ordini ricevuti dal lunedì al venerdì entro le ore 12 vengono evasi e spediti in giornata, tutti gli altri vengono evasi il giorno lavorativo successivo (esclusi il sabato e la domenica)

FLYSPRAY® OS AEROSOL is a fully emptying aerosol insecticide-acaricide based on pure Pyrethrins. The presence of Pyrethrins gives the product a high knockdown efficacy against flying and crawling insects.

FLYSPRAY® OS AEROSOL quickly eliminates flies, cockroaches, ants, foodborne insects (Plodia interpunctella, Ephestia kuehniella), fleas and ticks present in: industries in general (including food industries), silos and warehouses (in the absence of foodstuffs), houses, offices, cellars, attics, garages, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, canteens, rural environments and animal shelters, shops and means of transport (ships, trains, buses, containers in the absence of foodstuffs). The solution to eliminate cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, flies.

100 grams of product contain:
Piperonyl Butoxide: 3.0000g
Pure Pyrethrins: 0.4000g

Do not contaminate food, drinks or containers intended to contain them during use. Avoid inhaling the jet directly and spraying it into the eyes. Keep pets away during treatment.

Close the doors and windows of the area to be treated and place the FLYSPRAY® OS AEROSOL aerosol can in the center of the room. Press the dispenser button until the valve engages, leave the room during delivery.

The cylinder empties in about 3 and a half minutes. Leave the product to act for at least 2 hours and then ventilate the room adequately for at least another 2 hours.

Use 150 ml of FLYSPRAY® OS AEROSOL for every 100 m3 of volume. 100 m3 correspond, for example, to a room measuring 5 x 5 x 4 metres.

Do not use FLYSPRAY® OS AEROSOL in environments with a volume less than 30 m3.