Copyr VESPABLOCK - 750 ml spray - Foaming insecticide for wasps

Categoria: Insetticida

  • On Offer
  • €8,90
  • List price €18,68
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Prodotto per vespe. VESPABLOCKTM è un aerosol insetticida a forte azione abbattente a base di Piretrine naturali e Piperonil Butossido.

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Gli ordini ricevuti dal lunedì al venerdì entro le ore 12 vengono evasi e spediti in giornata, tutti gli altri vengono evasi il giorno lavorativo successivo (esclusi il sabato e la domenica)

Natural Pyrethrins give the product a high knockdown effect and the presence of Piperonyl Butoxide enhances the effectiveness of the treatment causing, after a few seconds, the death of wasps and hornets present in the nests. The particular foaming formulation is specifically designed to envelop the nest with a dense foam, in order to prevent insects from escaping and increase the contact time with the insecticide. Thanks to the specific formulation and the special delivery valve, developed to reach a 4-meter jet, it is possible to safely treat wasp and hornet nests usually located in hard-to-reach places (attics, windowsills, wall cavities, roller shutter boxes and other domestic and civil environments).

100 grams of product contain:
Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extracted from open and mature flowers of Tanacetum cinematografaro obtained with supercritical carbon dioxide: 0.15g
Pyrethrum Extract 50%: 0.30g
Pure Piperonyl Butoxide: 1.70g
    Keep children and animals away during treatment. Do not contaminate food, drinks or containers intended to contain them during use. Avoid inhaling the jet directly and spraying it into the eyes.
    Position yourself at a distance of 3-4 meters from the nest to be treated. Shake the can well before use and spray VESPABLOCKTM at short intervals (no more than 3 seconds) directly onto the wasp and hornet nests. Treat until the nest is completely covered with foam (1-2 sprays of 2-3 seconds are usually sufficient). Carry out the treatment during the coolest hours of the day (preferably in the evening) when the greatest number of insects are present in the nest.